Friday, October 7, 2011

Muddiest Points

Today, we'll do an exercise called "Muddiest Point." Read the assignment sheet for the persuasive paper and write a blog post about the "muddiest point" for you—the part of the assignment you understand least or are having the most trouble with. Which part could be a little clearer? How would you change the assignment (aside from making it shorter/easier) to make it help you better?

Conversely, what's the easiest part to understand? What's got you going down the street, high-fiving everyone you pass because you're just that good?

I don't really feel like I have a "muddy point". I felt like the assignment was clear-an explanation of the assignment followed with an example. Now, I just have to come up with something or a position that I have to "sell". A sample essay would make it over the top easy.

On the contrary, since I learn by example and modeling, the example given is what helped me to understand it best. I'm walking down the street high=fiving everyone because I'm just that good.

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