Friday, October 7, 2011


Today, I'm going through a situation that involves persuasion. I'm getting a 5th year completion scholarship thru the Athletic Department. We get scholarships and have to work athletic events (for each credit hour we take, we have to work one event). I had a meeting with my advisor to make sure that everything was on track and I didn't have anything else I needed to take. Well it turns out, that I do have one more class. So of course, I have to email and let her know so I can get that class paid for my graduation requirements.

She isn't too receptive and kind've inquired that I was pulling a fast one. To argue my case, I gave her a copy of my graduation plan signed by the chair members, gave her contact information of my advisors, and a breakdown of what's going on.

The only thing that I wish I would've done different is been more thorough when I was looking through the classes that I needed to take initially. Oh well, just gotta plead a hard case and be empathetic with the perpetrator.

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