Friday, August 26, 2011

The not-so-great classes...

Now, write a blog post where you tell me about a class where you had difficulty--either because the teacher wasn't very helpful in relating the material, or because you simply weren't inclined to grasp it entirely.

Throughout my college career, I've enjoyed primarily every class, but high school was different. AP History, Anatomy, and Chemistry were my least favorite classes. College professors should volunteer a few hours per week to enhance some high school teacher's teaching skills.

AP History was out-of-this world boring! My teacher was a great guy, but not the best lecturer. I got to class about ten minutes late consistently every day because I had to bring breakfast to class and eat it; necessity to pass the time. After I was done grubbing, I would listen for about five minutes and fall asleep until the bell rang. Occassionally, I would wake up to see that two-thirds of the class was asleep as well so I felt compelled to close my eyes and drift away to dream land once more. I passed the class with a B thanks in large part to the one-third of the class that stayed awake throught the monotonous and drawn out tone of our teacher. To negate my initial statement of the class being boring, I guess it really wasn't because I slept the majority of the time. To rephrase: it was boring when I was awake :).

Anatomy and Chemistry were taught by the same teacher. I did not grasp anything he said in either class. Anatomy was a joke because we had to dissect cats and have lab practicals based on the muscles of the laid-open cats. What a joke! Humans and cats are two very different species. I'm not trying to become an animal specialist; I'm trying to become something in the medical field! Hello! Chemistry was a little better, but still considerably bad. I wish that teacher the best of luck in the future.

Ok, I'm done being cynical. I will conclude my blog with the statement that I thoroughly enjoy college and learning about new and old ideas. I also appreciate the quality professors that I've had at Washburn and other colleges I've attended.

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