Monday, August 22, 2011

Telling You About Myself

Hi there! So after completing this whole blog thing, I must say it's pretty cool! My roommate is very into creative writing and she has one so now we're in competition!

Ok, so about myself, I'm an only child from Wichita, KS, where I lived the majority of my life. It turns out that I was pretty decent at softball and played all four years; two at Butler Juco and two at Washburn. If it weren't for softball, I probably wouldn't have gotten as much school paid for as I did. As luck would have it, I even got my last year of my undergraduate degree paid for as well. This last year is going to be short and sweet. I have three classes in the Fall as well as a CNA class that I'm taking online and three classes in the spring (two of the three are considered an internship and synthesis class).

When I'm not busy with school, I work...a lot. I currently have two server jobs; one that I just work at one day per week. (For all college kids that want an easy job with fast cash, this is the way to go!) As soon as I get my CNA license, I plan on getting a job serving patients as well. My plans right now are to get into Occupational Therapy, but first I need to get some experience under my belt-a CNA job is the best way to accomplish that for me.

Furthermore, when I'm not at school or work, I play! For me, playing consists of blowing money at TJ Max, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, shops at the Mall,, etc. I also enjoy donating money to going out to eat all of the time. I don't typically go out to the major restaurant chains-I like to try restaurants that you can only find in a certain area or "Mom & Pop" places. I love to cook, but unfortunately with my busy schedule I have no time to spend in my fully furnished kitchen.

In my little amount of down time at home, I love watching movies! Redbox and Netflix creaters have me hooked! My boyfriend and roommate are always being coerced to watch a movie with me, but fortunately for me, they don't put up too much of a fight.

I come from a big family as well (even thought I don't have any siblings), I have a ton of cousins with whom I am very close with. I see them here and there and it's always a blast! My Dad is my best friend and my Mom is my rock. I wouldn't want any other Brady Bunch.

Well, that's about it for today!

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