Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oh the pressure!

Read William Zinsser's "College Pressures," on pg. 396 in your yellow Seagull Reader book.

What kind of pressures have you encountered in college? Economic pressures? Peer pressures? Parental pressures? Societal pressures? Work pressures?

How have you dealt with them? What sort of impact have they had on your courses and life?
One thing about college is that pressure is inevitable. Pressure is everywhere; school, work, relationships, family, money, deadlines, etc. I played college softball for four years-that in itself was enough pressure. Pressure to succeed, pressure to please everyone, pressure to win, pressure to practice and work out at full potential all the time, pressure from coaches, pressure from players, and pressures from all else not mentioned.

As if that weren't enough, pressure from my parents were tough to handle as well. All they want for me is to succeed and the second they see me not living up to my potential-they are on me like a bug on a windshield. We have many disputes, but if it weren't for them I don't know what I would do. They help me out when I need a friend or if I need some cash here and there.

Work isn't much of a pressure to me just because I love making money. Right now, I work two jobs at a bar and restaurant. Money is the only pressure because it always seems like there isn't enough of it and enough of bills.

With the pressures I have in my life, I must have a social outlet. My boyfriend and roommate are my immediate social outlets. My boyfriend is always there to show love and constructive criticsm. My roommate is always explaining different perspectives when life is troubling me. When something is really wrong, I call my parents. My dad is my best friend and my mom is my rock. We've definitely butted heads plenty, but I love my parents and appreciate everything they've done for me. If it weren't for their persistence, I probably would've given up everything along time ago.

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